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Difference Between Stocks And Bonds

6 min read

Difference Between Stocks And Bonds

The main difference between stocks and bonds is that stocks represent ownership in a company, making investors partial owners of the business, while bonds are debt securities where investors act as lenders to the issuer, receiving periodic interest payments and the return of the principal amount at maturity. 


What Are Bonds In India?

In India, bonds are debt securities that companies issue to get money. When an investor buys a bond, they are lending money to the issuer, who promises to return the principal amount and interest at maturity.

Take the case of a 10-year Government Security (G-Sec) bond issued by the Government of India to pay for its spending. Suppose an investor buys this bond worth ₹1 lakh with an annual interest rate (coupon rate) of 6%. 

The investor effectively lends ₹1 lakh to the government and, in return, receives an interest payment of ₹6,000 annually. At the end of the 10-year period, the government repays the principal amount of ₹1 lakh to the investor. 

Stocks Meaning

Stocks, also known as shares or equity, represent ownership in a company. Buying a company’s stock means becoming an owner proportional to the number of shares you buy, and you are entitled to a share of the company’s profits, often distributed as dividends.

For example, suppose you buy 100 shares of Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE). If RIL declares a dividend of ₹10 per share, you, as a shareholder, would receive ₹1,000 (100 shares x ₹10) as a dividend. 

Also, if the company’s value appreciates, the price of your shares will increase, resulting in a capital gain. However, if the company underperforms, the share price may decline, indicating the risk inherent in stock investments.

Bond vs Stock

The primary difference between a bond and a stock is that a bond is a debt instrument implying a loan, while a stock denotes ownership in a company. More such differences are explained below:

OwnershipInvestors do not get ownership; they are lenders to the company.Investors get partial ownership of the company.
ReturnsFixed interest payments until maturity.The company can announce dividends, but they are not guaranteed.
RiskGenerally less risky as bondholders have a higher claim on assets and earnings.Higher risk as shareholders are last in line during liquidation.
Capital GainCapital gain is possible if sold before maturity at a higher price.Capital gain if sold at a higher price than purchase.
DurationFixed term, redeemed at maturity.Can hold perpetually until the company is in operation.
Voting RightsNo voting rights in company decisions.Voting rights are proportional to the number of shares held.
Value DeterminationBased on credit ratings, interest rates, and the issuer’s financial health.Based on the company’s performance and market sentiment.

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Bond vs Stock- Quick Summary

  • A bond is a loan from an investor to the bond issuer. A stock is a share of ownership in a company.
  • Bonds in India are debt securities promising to return the principal amount with interest.
  • Stocks represent shares in a company’s ownership, providing dividends and capital gain opportunities.
  • Bonds and stocks differ significantly in ownership, returns, risk level, potential for capital gain, duration, voting rights, and how their value is determined.
  • Start your investment journey with Alice Blue. They provide Margin Trade Funding facility, where you can use 4x margin to buy stocks i.e. you can buy stocks worth ₹ 10000 at just ₹ 2500. 

Difference Between Stocks And Bonds – FAQs

1. What is the Difference Between Stocks And Bonds?

The primary difference between stocks and bonds is. Stocks represent ownership in a company, entitling investors to a portion of the company’s profits and voting rights. Bonds, on the other hand, are loans to the issuer, providing fixed interest payments until maturity.

2. What are stocks and bonds in simple terms?

Stocks are a way to own a piece of a company. When you buy stocks, you become a shareholder. If the company does well, you might get dividends and see your investment grow.

On the other hand, bonds are loans to corporations or governments. When you buy a bond, you lend money with the promise of getting interest and the principal back when the bond matures. 

3. Which is better bonds or stocks?

The choice between bonds and stocks largely depends on an investor’s risk tolerance, investment goals, and market conditions. Typically, stocks offer higher potential returns but come with greater volatility. Bonds provide regular income and are generally considered safer, but they offer lower potential returns.

4. Are Bonds Risky Than Stocks?

Generally, bonds are considered less risky than stocks. This is because bondholders have a higher claim on the issuer’s assets and earnings than shareholders if the company goes bankrupt. However, bonds carry their own risks, such as interest rate and default risks.

5. Do bonds pay dividends?

No, bonds do not pay dividends. Instead, they pay interest to the bondholders at regular intervals, usually semiannually. This interest payment, known as a coupon, is fixed and does not change over the bond’s life.

6. What is the safest bond?

Bonds from the government, especially those from the Central Government, are considered the safest in India. This is because the risk of the government defaulting on its payments is minimal. Among these, the 10-year Indian Government bond is one of the most popular and safest investment options.

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