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What is Options Trading

7 min read

What Is Options Trading?

Options trading is a form of derivative trading in which contracts are purchased and sold rather than stocks or other assets. These contracts allow the buyer to buy or sell an underlying asset like stock at a predetermined price, but there is no obligation to do so.


Options Trading Meaning

Options trading involves the acquisition of contracts that give buyers the right to either buy or sell a specific asset at a predetermined price before the contract expires. This type of trading allows traders to adapt and use various strategies, potentially profiting from the asset’s price movements without owning it outright.

Options trading is seen as a strategic approach to investing, offering a way for traders to increase their market exposure without a significant upfront investment. It allows investors to predict whether the price of an asset will rise or fall, to safeguard their investments against unfavorable price shifts, or to earn money by selling the option contracts to other investors. 

The flexibility and strategic depth of options trading make it an appealing choice for both individual traders and large financial institutions, offering multiple pathways to achieve investment goals.

Options Trading Example

An example of options trading is when you are interested in a company’s stock, which is currently priced at Rs. 100 per share. You buy an option to buy the shares at Rs. 100 each three months from now because you think the price will rise. This contract costs you Rs. 5 per share. You can exercise your option to buy at Rs. 100 and sell immediately for a profit, minus the option cost, if the share price rises to Rs. 120.

In detail, this example demonstrates the essence of options trading. By purchasing the option, you secured the right to buy shares at Rs. 100 each, regardless of the market price. When the stock price increased to Rs. 120, exercising your option allowed you to buy the shares at the lower agreed price and then sell them at the market price. This strategy led to a gain from the difference in prices (Rs. 20 per share) minus the cost of the option (Rs. 5 per share), showcasing how options can be used to speculate on stock price movements and leverage profits from the investment.

Participants In Options

Participants in Options are as follows:

  • Buyers of Calls:  Investors expect the asset price to rise.
  • Sellers of Calls:  Holders who expect the asset’s price to stay the same or fall.
  • Buyers of Puts: Traders expect the asset’s price to fall.
  • Sellers of Puts: People who think prices will rise or stay the same.

Buyers of Calls 

Buyers of calls speculate on price increases, hoping to buy the underlying asset at a lower price than its market value. They pay a premium for this right, hoping to profit by buying the asset cheaply if its price rises as expected. This strategy is a bet on growth without initially owning the asset.

Sellers of Calls 

Sellers of calls offer these contracts, betting the asset won’t exceed the strike price, allowing them to keep the premium paid by the buyer. If the market price doesn’t rise above the strike price, the seller profits by collecting this fee without selling the asset. This approach is suitable for those expecting stable or declining prices.

Buyers of Puts 

Buyers of puts seek protection or profit from falling prices, acquiring the right to sell the asset at a higher price than the market may offer later. This premium-paid position serves as insurance against a drop in the asset’s price or as a speculative move to gain from market downturns.

Sellers of Puts 

Sellers of puts write these contracts with the expectation that the asset will maintain or increase in value, earning them the premium from put buyers. They are obligated to purchase the asset if its price falls below the strike price, assuming that it will not happen or that any losses will be offset by premiums received.

Options Trading Strategy

Options trading strategies are extremely diverse, catering to a wide range of risk profiles and market perspectives. Here are some common strategies:

  • Covered Call
  • Protective Put
  • Bull Call Spread
  • Bear Put Spread
  • Straddle

Covered Call

Covered Call is used by investors who hold a stock and want to earn additional income through premiums from selling call options, betting the stock price won’t rise above the strike price.

Protective Put

Investors use this to hedge against potential losses in their stock holdings, effectively buying insurance that allows them to sell at a predetermined price.

Bull Call Spread

This strategy is employed when an investor is moderately bullish on a stock. It allows profiting from a stock’s rise while limiting upfront costs and potential losses.

Bear Put Spread

Used when expecting a stock’s price to fall, this strategy limits investment costs and losses, similar to a bull call spread, but for bearish market outlooks.


Straddle is ideal for situations where an investor expects significant volatility but is unsure of the direction. It gives you the chance to make money whether the stock price goes up or down by a large amount.

How Options Trading Works?

Options trading starts with two basic actions, buying or selling an option contract. Before the contract ends, the buyer pays a premium for the right to buy or sell the underlying asset at a set price, called the strike price. 

Here’s a step-wise breakdown:

  • Choose the Right Option: Based on how you think the market will do, choose whether to trade call or put options.
  • Pay the Premium: Buyers pay an upfront fee (premium) for the contract, which grants them the rights specified by the option.
  • Exercise the Option: If profitable, the buyer can exercise the option to buy (call) or sell (put) the underlying asset at the strike price.
  • Sell or Let Expire: Option holders can either sell the option to another trader before it expires or let it expire worthless if it is not profitable.

What Is Option Trading In Share Market?  – Quick Summary

  • Options trading allows investors to deal in contracts granting the right to buy or sell underlying assets at predetermined prices, offering speculative and hedging opportunities without owning the actual assets.
  • It provides a flexible strategic investment approach, allowing traders to leverage market exposure, protect investments, and potentially profit from price movements.
  • An options trading example illustrates potential profit from buying an option to purchase stock at a future date, demonstrating how options can be used for speculation and leveraging investment outcomes.
  • Participants in options trading include buyers and sellers of calls and puts, each with distinct expectations about future asset price movements.
  • Common options trading strategies include covered calls for income, protective puts for downside protection, and various spreads and straddles for speculative gains or risk management.
  • The options trading process involves choosing contracts, paying premiums, and making strategic decisions on whether to exercise, sell, or let options expire, based on market analysis and investment goals.
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Options Trading Meaning – FAQs

What Is Options Trading?

Options trading is a type of trading in which people buy and sell contracts that give them the right, but not the duty, to buy or sell an asset at a certain price beforehand. It is used to speculate, make money, and protect against price changes.

What is an example of option trading?

For example, buying a call option for a stock at a strike price of Rs. 100 with a premium of Rs. 5, and the stock rises to Rs. 120. You can exercise your option to buy at Rs. 100, potentially profiting from the difference.

How does option trading work?

Options trading works by traders entering contracts that give them the right to buy or sell assets at predetermined prices. Traders pay premiums for these rights and make decisions based on their market predictions and risk appetite.

Who pays for option trading?

The buyer of an option contract pays a premium to the seller for the rights granted by the option. This premium represents the cost of having the ability to trade an asset at a specific price.

Is option trading for beginners?

Options trading can be complex and risky, so it is best suited for experienced traders. Beginners should educate themselves thoroughly and begin with more straightforward investment forms before moving on to options.

What are the rules of option trading?

  • Know the market and the underlying asset.
  • Understand the risks, including the possibility of losing the entire premium.
  • Consider options as part of a larger investment strategy.
  • Be aware of expiration dates and exercise options accordingly.

What is the minimum amount needed for option trading?

The minimum amount required for option trading varies by broker but is generally lower than buying the underlying asset outright. The cost includes the option premium and any broker fees.

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