ANT IQ Blogs

IT Service Stocks with High DII Holding English
The table below shows the IT service stocks with high DII holdings based on the highest market capitalization. Name …
Preferred shares are a class of corporate stock that offer specific financial advantages, such as priority in dividend payments …
The primary distinction between basic and diluted EPS is that basic EPS is calculated with the current number of …
Commodity vs Forex Trading
The main difference between forex trading and commodity trading is that forex trading revolves around currencies, whereas commodity trading …
Types of Investors in the Stock Market vary widely, each with distinct strategies and goals. They are as follows: …
The main difference between an investor and a speculator is that investors focus on long-term value and fundamentals. In …
The primary benefit of the commodity market is the potential for significant returns, especially during periods of high inflation. …
Aggressive investing is a way of investing that seeks high returns by taking more risk. It often involves heavy …
Conservative Investment
Conservative investments aim to protect capital and provide steady, reliable income, even if it means giving up the chance …
Angel investors are wealthy individuals who fund startups, usually in exchange for company equity or convertible debt. They are …
Non Cumulative Preference Shares Meaning
Non-cumulative preference shares are preference shares where dividends are not accumulated if skipped. If a company doesn’t declare dividends …
Cumulative Preference Shares Meaning
Cumulative preference shares are a type of shares that guarantees dividend payments. If dividends are missed in any year, …




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